Scott’s list of ultra running accomplishments seems endless; 7-time consecutive winner of the Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run, 24 hr American Record holder, the only American ever to win Greece's Spartathlon, a 153-mile race from Sparta to Athens (he won it 3 times). He is the only person to win, in the same year (2005), Western States and the 135-mile Badwater Ultramarathon that begins in Death Valley.

A passionate advocate of veganism, he follows a 100% plant-based diet, which he credits for his performance. He’s a central character in Christopher Mc Dougall’s best-selling book Born To Run and has released his own book; Eat & Run: My Unlikely Journey to UltraMarathon Greatness.

Despite all the glory and attention, Scott has kept his feet firmly planted on planet Earth. He’s famous for his kindness and for his support of the everyday runner. You can find him at the finish line of ultra marathons he’s just run congratulating every last finisher.